I've been getting into a much better balance of life...and it is good. It's hard to balance work, home, a social life, your health, your sanity, and all the requirements that come with each to maintain them. However, it is possible. I believe taking care of your health will help all the others come into balance. I have experienced it over the last 6 months. And everything else has come along into balance once I got my health under control.
Valentine's day sent me into a spiral of sweet treats...haha. I found some great recipes for grain free bakes goodies, so I feel it's not as bad as could be- but eggs and sugar are still eggs and sugar. And chocolate. Even gluten free chocolate is still chocolate.
So I'm going to go on my own little challenge- 100% grain free for 14 days to start. Why such a short time? Mainly because there is a LOT happening this month and I don't want to not enjoy life- like visiting family and such. However, it will be a good test to see how I do even with all of the family events taking place. I know that I will extend it- but I just want to start simple at first. Anyone can do 14 days, no? My mind works better with short term goals. Let's reassess after 14 days and see how we feel.
So...what will this entail?
100% grain free....
No wheat- or anything derived of it- which can make quite a list. See this list for sources of wheat on ingredient labels.
No corn- which also can make up quite a list (any ingredients derived from corn, like corn starch, corn syrup...time to read the labels). Don't get scared with these lists...just do the best you can.
Here is a list of all other kinds of grains
Basically, we're not going to eat what you think of when you think of carbs, and watch for secretly hidden sources like corn syrup and gluten.
I recently found out I have non-celiac gluten sensitivity (gluten intolerant). I have been off gluten for 3 months, and it has made a world of different in every aspect of my life. I think and recall information better (from having blocked out entire conversations I could not remember!), better skin, no stomach problems, no canker sores, less headaches, less joint pain, no psoriasis on my scalp, and just plain feel better. Even down to cycles my body goes through perform better. The outcome has shocked me so much, I have begun reading and finding out that this is quite common when people go off of gluten. Even if you do not have stomach problems, but other ailments, the offender could be gluten. Books like Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, and Wheat Belly Total Health (find on Amazon) have built up a case for me to try to be 100% grain free. If you're not sure about being grain free, I challenge you to first read one of those books. It will astound you. If you have other sources, please share! I'm always willing to read "the other side" as well. But with the epidemic of autoimmune dieeases and obesity, it's going to take a lot for me to ever be convinced that whole grains are "healthy" like we have been told for decades.
A lot of people think going off grains is too hard. You're right. It's hard. You'll have a few days of achy, headachy feelings and will want to give up. "So why would I want to feel like that?? Forget it!" you think. I know. But when you see how you feel off of it, just a few days later, I'll bet you'll never look back.
Take this in stages if you want. First get off wheat. Then corn, Then other sources. You may be more successful long term.
I'm one of those that have to go cold turkey. I do better when I'm committed right away. But it does help to get information and think it through for about a week, then do the challenge. That always helps me.
Since I'm already, and have been, off gluten for quite some time, it's a little easier to cut other grains out. The next two weeks I commit to no grains and will be posting my meals and hopefully pictures as well.
Yes, you will have to prepare your meals. Yes you will have to plan your meals. Yes, it will be overwhelming at first. But I promise that you will feel so much better!!!
Here's your first source of inspiration....
I'm changing Taste the Rainbow....instead of fake, full of crap skittles, let's eat real, whole food that is just as colorful, naturally, tastes wonderful, and leaves you feeling great!!!
Taste the Rainbow Salad
I make a HUGE bowl...I usually end up eating two bowlfuls, then have leftovers for lunch the next day, which makes it great for busy life!!
1 bunch kale
2 small heads of romaine (use other lettuces as you like)
3 small cucumbers
2 sprigs celery
2 bell peppers (I used red and yellow to bring out color)
cilantro, chopped
sprinkling of lemon pepper
sprinkling of celery seed
olive oil
sprinkling sea salt
Tear the leaves of kale from stiff stems- remove stems
pour olive oil over kale and add sea salt. Massage oil and salt into kale. This makes it less tough
Chop romaine lettuce and add to kale
Chop remaining vegetables and add to bowl. Pour a little more olive oil over everything.
Sprinkle on lemon pepper and celery seed
Toss together, and serve!
*If you need a little more "dressing" add some lemon juice
**After being off grains, the flavors will pop in your mouth, and you will not even notice no dressing!!
funkymaravilla: (n), every day is a funky sort of miracle. Thoughts from a simple girl trying to figure out life
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Thoughts on a New Year
The new year is always an exciting time. It's time to start fresh, think of things we want to do better, and give it a go. Some people don't believe in resolutions. But I do. I love fresh starts. I love the chance to start again with a clean slate. It helps me anyway.
So...did you make any resolutions? I actually didn't per se- I had started a better diet back in November, got back to exercise, and have really felt great. It was a good feeling to know that was already accomplished as I headed into the new year-ha! But I do want to be more in the moment. So, when my 3 year old is playing, watch him and play with him rather than send pictures to everyone what cute thing he is doing. I can always take a picture and send it later. I also have lists and ideas running through my head, but I am trying to save that for my alone time....late at night or early in the morning.
As we think of resolutions, here is what I have learned that turned me 180 from a sad, dark time:
1. Seek God. He is light, even when you're surrounded in darkness.
2. Pray. This is how you find God. Doesn't have to be fancy. He doesn't ask much. He's right there waiting for you.
3. Ditch the sugar...and wheat. Holy cow, I started a low sugar diet, and it completely changed me (inside and out!). I don't obsess about food and the inches melted away. And I'm not a hungry psycho. LOL
4. Surround yourself with happiness. I listen to inspiring people in my car, listen to music I like, and watch the news only when necessary. It has really helped me. Plus, if you know God, you know that all those bad thoughts do not come from him.
5. Take care of yourself. Get sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. It matters a whole lot more than we give it credit for.
Those are my mini goals for this year...so far, so good.
What are yours?
So...did you make any resolutions? I actually didn't per se- I had started a better diet back in November, got back to exercise, and have really felt great. It was a good feeling to know that was already accomplished as I headed into the new year-ha! But I do want to be more in the moment. So, when my 3 year old is playing, watch him and play with him rather than send pictures to everyone what cute thing he is doing. I can always take a picture and send it later. I also have lists and ideas running through my head, but I am trying to save that for my alone time....late at night or early in the morning.
As we think of resolutions, here is what I have learned that turned me 180 from a sad, dark time:
1. Seek God. He is light, even when you're surrounded in darkness.
2. Pray. This is how you find God. Doesn't have to be fancy. He doesn't ask much. He's right there waiting for you.
3. Ditch the sugar...and wheat. Holy cow, I started a low sugar diet, and it completely changed me (inside and out!). I don't obsess about food and the inches melted away. And I'm not a hungry psycho. LOL
4. Surround yourself with happiness. I listen to inspiring people in my car, listen to music I like, and watch the news only when necessary. It has really helped me. Plus, if you know God, you know that all those bad thoughts do not come from him.
5. Take care of yourself. Get sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. It matters a whole lot more than we give it credit for.
Those are my mini goals for this year...so far, so good.
What are yours?
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Anchoring Numbers
Think about this. As quickly as you can, tell the answer to 8 + 5 = ?
What about 13 x 5 = ?
I don't know about you, but I come from a math era that made these kinds of problems...errmm...difficult. At least, I had to always visualize carrying the one, or count on with my fingers....or just TRY to think but I couldn't. And I was embarrassed! That is, until I started teaching it and found out about all these different strategies to help students become mental math thinkers. Anchoring to ten is one of these concepts.
If we look back at 8 + 5, what if...
we made the 8 a 10
Now to keep it equal, that is 2 more from 8, so i'll take 2 away from the 5
That leaves 3 more to add
Now my problem is 10 + 3 =
How much simpler, quicker, and easier is that???
How about 13 x 5....
break the 13 into 10 and 3
we'll have 10 x 5 and 3 x 5
that makes 50 and 15
I'll have to add those together (remember that multiplying is really just faster addition)
I'll break the 15 into 10 and 5
Now I have 50 + 10 + 5
Think you can do that without paper???
If that brought you a whole new lens on math, I know. I had no idea how easy it could be mentally. My husband and dad are these kinds of thinkers. My mom also taught me how to find the sale of an item by finding ten percent...then if it is 40% off, add it together four times. I realized a few years ago that I can be that kind of mental math solver too! That is the point of the Common Core of the USA (in my humble opinion) and even if you think not, the teachers are trying to get kids to think more mathematically, to break it into easier chunks.
One more example of anchoring to easy numbers. Think about our dollar bills. They come in 1, 2 (ha!), 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500....do you see a pattern here?!? These numbers are easy to count in big groups. Even clocks go by 5s with the minute hand. The world around us is filled with numbers grouped a certain way. You won't usually come across something that's grouped by 7s.
This is why it is essential that we help our children understand the quantity/concept/set of five and ten. This is where the ten frame comes in. It is just a mathematical tool that we use a lot in elementary.
Notice there are two rows, 5 on top and 5 on the bottom. So while working with a ten frame, you are also anchoring the concept of 5. Double win!
There are a lot of activities and games you can play with the ten frame. Fill in the ten frame with circle markers. You can start by filling up the top row, then move to the bottom row. Once they are getting the idea of the quantity, you can fill up the frame any way you want and start noticing different dot patterns that can appear with a particular number. You can also talk about how many boxes are empty to help with understanding of making a ten, how many left, as well as greater than and less than number concepts.
I made a simple- and I mean simple- game last year for my firsties. They LOVED it, the entire year long! I jazzed it up a bit and placed it in my store. You can grab it here!
What about 13 x 5 = ?
I don't know about you, but I come from a math era that made these kinds of problems...errmm...difficult. At least, I had to always visualize carrying the one, or count on with my fingers....or just TRY to think but I couldn't. And I was embarrassed! That is, until I started teaching it and found out about all these different strategies to help students become mental math thinkers. Anchoring to ten is one of these concepts.
If we look back at 8 + 5, what if...
we made the 8 a 10
Now to keep it equal, that is 2 more from 8, so i'll take 2 away from the 5
That leaves 3 more to add
Now my problem is 10 + 3 =
How much simpler, quicker, and easier is that???
How about 13 x 5....
break the 13 into 10 and 3
we'll have 10 x 5 and 3 x 5
that makes 50 and 15
I'll have to add those together (remember that multiplying is really just faster addition)
I'll break the 15 into 10 and 5
Now I have 50 + 10 + 5
Think you can do that without paper???
If that brought you a whole new lens on math, I know. I had no idea how easy it could be mentally. My husband and dad are these kinds of thinkers. My mom also taught me how to find the sale of an item by finding ten percent...then if it is 40% off, add it together four times. I realized a few years ago that I can be that kind of mental math solver too! That is the point of the Common Core of the USA (in my humble opinion) and even if you think not, the teachers are trying to get kids to think more mathematically, to break it into easier chunks.
One more example of anchoring to easy numbers. Think about our dollar bills. They come in 1, 2 (ha!), 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500....do you see a pattern here?!? These numbers are easy to count in big groups. Even clocks go by 5s with the minute hand. The world around us is filled with numbers grouped a certain way. You won't usually come across something that's grouped by 7s.
This is why it is essential that we help our children understand the quantity/concept/set of five and ten. This is where the ten frame comes in. It is just a mathematical tool that we use a lot in elementary.
Notice there are two rows, 5 on top and 5 on the bottom. So while working with a ten frame, you are also anchoring the concept of 5. Double win!
There are a lot of activities and games you can play with the ten frame. Fill in the ten frame with circle markers. You can start by filling up the top row, then move to the bottom row. Once they are getting the idea of the quantity, you can fill up the frame any way you want and start noticing different dot patterns that can appear with a particular number. You can also talk about how many boxes are empty to help with understanding of making a ten, how many left, as well as greater than and less than number concepts.
I made a simple- and I mean simple- game last year for my firsties. They LOVED it, the entire year long! I jazzed it up a bit and placed it in my store. You can grab it here!
Here is a great website for online ten frame play. Kids love it because they can manipulate it however they want, AND it talks to them. Another win! Click here.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sticker mats to enhance vocabulary
Have you seen those Melissa and Doug sticker mats that seem to be everywhere now? I loooooove them. They're the 21st century version of vinyl window clings. Remember those??!? I loved getting them out each holiday and decorating the windows!!! The Melissa and Doug versions come with backgrounds, but they do stick to windows as well.
You get a lot for only about $3.99.... I thought that was reasonable for a traveling activity.
We were going to be camping and I wasn't sure how long my little would stay entertained, so I brought this along. It turned out to be great to have. My little called it a game. It can be a free play, imaginative activity, but it can also be a packed full of vocabulary activity! There are so many choices and options for each theme (there are 5 included in the pack) so it's really appealing to kids. The colors are bright and pleasing.
We sat on the blanket at our campsite, pulled out the stickers, and started talking about all the animals that live in the jungle. We stuck them to the page and talked about the habitat too. It is a great conversation starter, and keeps the littles' interest for quite awhile. It helps pass some downtime too. :) My little is now saying things like jungle, bale of hay (farm scene), jaguar, and many more words. It's just like reading a book, but you're making up your own sentences! Just something a little different to do.
You get a lot for only about $3.99.... I thought that was reasonable for a traveling activity.
We were going to be camping and I wasn't sure how long my little would stay entertained, so I brought this along. It turned out to be great to have. My little called it a game. It can be a free play, imaginative activity, but it can also be a packed full of vocabulary activity! There are so many choices and options for each theme (there are 5 included in the pack) so it's really appealing to kids. The colors are bright and pleasing.

There are different kinds to choose from. Click here to see them on Amazon. No, they're not paying me, I just love Melissa and Doug! ;)
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
A New Beginning
It is almost time for me to go back to school. WHAT?! It's July!!!! Yes, I go back exactly a week from tomorrow. All at once I'm jumping for joy and ready to sit on the couch with a bag of potato chips, crying, unable to believe summer is really over. However, it has been a great summer....some hard times figuring out the NO toddler stage...but I am better for it. Have you read anything from the Love and Logic series? They have saved my life- both as a mom and a teacher. I highly recommend their books. They're easy to read and most importantly, easy to implement. See what they have to offer here. I've read the Teaching with Love and Logic, Early Childhood, and When kids Leave you Speechless books.
So why am I jumping for joy about summer being over? I am going to have a new position at school this year. I will be one of five ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) teachers at my school. I interviewed for the position and they selected me. I was anxious to leave the classroom- because I Loooooove the classroom! I also knew that this was a great opportunity, and after 11 years of teaching, I felt ready for it. It's that time in the summer where my stomach is rumbling with excitement and ideas and how i'm going to change my teaching for the better. My focus on the blog will continue to be how to enhance literacy skills through language- because oral language is key to learning literacy, and that's what my students will need.
I'm so glad you've stopped by....here's a game for you. It's a way to get kids talking and get to know each other at the beginning of the year. Plus, a little math. I couldn't help myself. ;) Check out my store button above (right side bar) for more fun stuff.
Mamas, this would also be a fun game just to talk with your littles. You know, sometimes they need prompting, when all we want is for them to talk to us! ;)
So why am I jumping for joy about summer being over? I am going to have a new position at school this year. I will be one of five ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) teachers at my school. I interviewed for the position and they selected me. I was anxious to leave the classroom- because I Loooooove the classroom! I also knew that this was a great opportunity, and after 11 years of teaching, I felt ready for it. It's that time in the summer where my stomach is rumbling with excitement and ideas and how i'm going to change my teaching for the better. My focus on the blog will continue to be how to enhance literacy skills through language- because oral language is key to learning literacy, and that's what my students will need.
I'm so glad you've stopped by....here's a game for you. It's a way to get kids talking and get to know each other at the beginning of the year. Plus, a little math. I couldn't help myself. ;) Check out my store button above (right side bar) for more fun stuff.
Mamas, this would also be a fun game just to talk with your littles. You know, sometimes they need prompting, when all we want is for them to talk to us! ;)
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Let's Talk
Did you know that talking can do so much for the development of your child? I have worked in education for 11 years, classroom teacher, and have continuously been asked by parents what more they could do at home to help. Of course you can read books, help with homework, do projects....but the number one way in my book is to talk. I have studied early childhood education with an emphasis in early literacy, but the most powerful for me is watching my son. How his language has developed, what he repeats (in correct context), and what he has learned- that I have not necessarily "taught"- is incredible. I know you see it too. I also see it with my students.
My blog is dedicated to the power of language and how we can support our kids, students, and whomever else we encounter. These are things I do, experiment with, and hope to help my child. I want to have fun but foster his creativity. I want to teach but not get bogged down with what he "should" know. My activities are a creative outlet for me- part of what I love about my job- but to also foster conversation. You will constantly hear me say it. Just talk. On that note....TTYL :)
I've moved over to areyoutalking.weebly.com
but will continue to link to here if you'd like to follow me :)
My blog is dedicated to the power of language and how we can support our kids, students, and whomever else we encounter. These are things I do, experiment with, and hope to help my child. I want to have fun but foster his creativity. I want to teach but not get bogged down with what he "should" know. My activities are a creative outlet for me- part of what I love about my job- but to also foster conversation. You will constantly hear me say it. Just talk. On that note....TTYL :)
I've moved over to areyoutalking.weebly.com
but will continue to link to here if you'd like to follow me :)
Friday, May 25, 2012
I guess it's been awhile since my last post. I have spent the month of May desperately trying to organize 9 years worth of teaching into boxes and crates. I am moving schools!!! It is so bittersweet. It's a great opportunity for me, but I am sad to leave the students, families, and my friends. I am excited for a new beginning at a new school, but it is not without a little trepidation. Right now, my entire classroom is in my living room. Yikes! Who knew how much stuff we actually collect? It's like moving apartments. I hope to move into my new school wisely, taking only what is necessary and not letting clutter take over. It is quite overwhelming to move out and back in again. But, it will get done.
So, hello summer!!! What's on your teacher to do list??
1. catalog all books in my library
2. (re)read fountas and pinnell guided reading (with 3rd grade lens)
3. Begin scanning all documents and files I want in order to go paperless!
Non-teacher list
1. PLAY!!! with my baby
2. lunch with friends
3. enjoy the outdoors and free time!
how bout you?
So, hello summer!!! What's on your teacher to do list??
1. catalog all books in my library
2. (re)read fountas and pinnell guided reading (with 3rd grade lens)
3. Begin scanning all documents and files I want in order to go paperless!
Non-teacher list
1. PLAY!!! with my baby
2. lunch with friends
3. enjoy the outdoors and free time!
how bout you?
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