I have been wanting to make a really good, manageable word study program. Colleagues and I agree that our students need more word study...especially phonics and how sounds work in words. I do not believe in just sending home words for the week to be memorized and given a test, and then get a whole new list of words the next week, the last week long gone. I desire for my students to investigate and study words, make connections, and really use this newfound knowledge in their everyday lives.
So how do we get there?
I am always full of great ideas, but once the school year starts, a schedule is set in place, kids are in the room, things completely change. I feel like I barely have time for math and reading, let alone a spelling/word study segment (that is actually valuable and meaningful).
I started something this year called the Spelling Challenge. I gave students a list of the words that they are required to know (we use Sitton Spelling) and allowed them to choose 5-10 words that they wanted. They studied these through various stations throughout the week, and then a study buddy gives them their quiz. Students then highlight what they got correct, and choose new words or restudy the ones they need to. It has worked pretty well, but yes, a little chaotic at times.
I ran across Beth Newingham's word study program...wow wow wow. It is developed by her with her students' needs in mind, allows for modification or enrichment, and seems manageable (once everything was made and ready- and yes, she even admitted it took quite a bit of time in the beginning)!
Take a look a this video...about 10 minutes, but totally inspiring. It helps me focus and know how I can improve my own program...at least for next year. :)
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