Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shuttle Discovery 2011

Did you see the final Discovery liftoff today?

It is always inspiring to entire classroom theme is space, astronauts, are always interested in space. I call them the S.P.A.C.E. Cadets. SPACE signifies Stand Proud And Commit to Excellence. Yes, we really talk about committing to our learning and reaching for excellence. It is awesome to hear them talk about what they will commit to for the day. But that's for another post...

In honor of the liftoff, let's talk about space lessons.

Ironically enough, we are beginning astronomy next week.

What are some of your favorite lessons?
We'll learn the order of the planets- My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos! hahahaha That's a new one for me!

How about Planet Walks?
Students will research a planet and make a poster...this brings in the skills of using research materials and informational writing. When finished, hang up all the posters and have students walk around and learn from other students' reports. I will have them use sticky notes to make comments on each poster...much like we do in staff development sessions.
To add a technological piece, I will have them make a PowerPoint slide, and we'll put them all together to make a show.

Isn't it weird to not include Pluto? Of course we'll still talk about it...teachable moments!

Click the solar system for a site where students can design their own planet.

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