I know you are busy, even swamped with things you need to do for your classroom. Who has time to make an extra thing for a lesson??
These felt pizzas are so quick and easy...and getting a little creativeness out of you will calm your mind.
Plus, it makes teaching fractions a little more fun- for me!
These felt pizzas are so quick and easy...and getting a little creativeness out of you will calm your mind.
Plus, it makes teaching fractions a little more fun- for me!
What you will need:
variety of colors of felt- I used green, cream, red, orange, gold, brown (what I had on hand!)
hot glue gun
First, I freehanded a circle on the cream felt for the dough. If you're anything like me, my circles never turn out to be circles (think egg) so I suggest using a protractor...especially since we're teaching that fractions have equal parts, you'll want your pieces to meet up nicely. I figured this out on the 2nd pizza! You can also make one on the computer and print it out for a tracer (my printer is out of commission at the moment).

see how lopsided it is?

Next, I made the same circle with red (sauce) and just cut about a quarter inch from the line to make it a little smaller.

Next, I cut about half a sheet of cream into thin strips. Then, I cut the strips into pieces for the cheese. (I had a lot left over).

I simply hot glued the cheese pieces to the circles (watch out for those fingers!!)
It's beginning to look like a pizza!

Next, I free-hand drew ingredients...mushrooms, sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, onion slices...

As a follow up, the kids can then make their own pizzas from construction paper!
Talk to your cafeteria about making real pizzas. You can incorporate measurements, fractions, and nutrition. Plus, kids get a real experience in the school kitchen!

Cut them out, glue them on! I thought about not gluing them and letting the kids decide what goes on the pizza, but decided it would be find to have them already glued on.
I like the red sauce best...
I drew the parts on the back to make sure I cut the pieces evenly...I like the red sauce best...

As a follow up, the kids can then make their own pizzas from construction paper!
Talk to your cafeteria about making real pizzas. You can incorporate measurements, fractions, and nutrition. Plus, kids get a real experience in the school kitchen!

Complete with a pizza box for real pizza pizzaz!!
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